Business Immigration

All UK employers have a duty to prevent illegal migrants working in the UK. The Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006 sets out the law.

We offer legal advice and services to check that prospective emplyee has the correct eligibility to work in the UK in place before starting or extending employment plus carry out other regular checks.

The UKVI requires a number of roles to be allocated to the emplyer's organisation in order to operate the skilled worker licence via the SMS.

Generally, the Home Office requires the employer 's organisation to meet the following obligations:

  1. Monitor Immigration Status - employers must ensure that the appriopriate right to work checks are carried out on all new employees and before extensions of employment are made, regardless of their nationality before they start work.
  2. Maintain MIgrant Contatc Details - employers are required to keep up to date personal contact details for all their sponsored workers.
  3. Record Keeping - employers are also required to keep certain documents relating to the employment of tier 2 employees for the duration of thier sponsorship.
  4. Track and Monitor - employers must also report certain information on sponsored employees on the Home Office online sponsorship management system (SMS), in most cases within 10 working day.

We offer a tailored professional and regulated service to suite your needs. For our fees and charges click on this link.