Business Sponsorship Licence
All UK employers have a duty to prevent illegal migrants working in the UK. The Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006 sets out the law. We offer legal advice and services to check that prospective emplyee has the correct eligibility to work in the UK in place before starting or extending employment plus carry out other regular checks. The UKVI requires a number of roles to be allocated to the emplyer’s organisation in order to operate the skilled worker licence via the SMS. Generally, the Home Office requires the employer ‘s organisation to meet the following obligations: Monitor Immigration Status – employers must ensure that the appriopriate right to work checks are carried out on all new employees and before extensions of employment are made, regardless of their nationality before they start work. Maintain MIgrant Contatc Details – employers are required to keep up to date personal contact details for all their sponsored workers. Record Keeping – employers are also required to keep certain documents relating to the employment of tier 2 employees for the duration of thier sponsorship. Track and Monitor – employers must also report certain information on sponsored employees on the Home Office online sponsorship management system (SMS), in most cases within 10 working day. We offer a tailored professional and regulated service to suite your needs. For our fees and charges click on this link.
Read moreFamily Law
We cover all aspects of matrimonial, child and family law. At Frantz Gregory & Co, we offer a friendly and approachable service. We strive to maintain a personal and supportive approach. Our aim is to avoid acrimonious and entrenched positions and offer a non-confrontational manner in representing your best interests. In cases where children are involved we consider their welfare to be paramount. Frantz Gregory & Co is a member of Resolution. Having a trusted family solicitor to help sort out issues involving the breakdown of your marriage, care of your children, your home and your finances is priceless. Resolution is a community of family justice professionals who work with families and individuals to resolve issues in a constructive way.
Read moreCommercial Law
Our client’s business comes first. At Frantz Gregory & Co you can expect a pragmatic approach to meeting your commercial needs. We have extensive experience in a wide range of company and commercial matters. We know that our clients want to solve problems quickly. So, we think outside the box. Solving complex problems faced by businesses requires experience and skills we have developed over the years of practice. SERVICES INCLUDED
Read moreCivil Litigation
We provide advice on a range of civil litigation matters. We can deal with claims you wish to bring against a defendant or claims brought against you. You can rely on our expertise in negotiation to seek settlement where possible. SERVICES INCLUDED
Read moreImmigration, EU and Asylum
We offer legal advice and representation to members of the public and organisations across a range of immigration & EU matters including business immigration. Sometimes the cost involved in immigration applications can be quite high. We offer a tailored professional and regulated service to suite your needs. You will always be made aware of any financial implications before proceeding with any services. Frantz Gregory & Co have a comprehensive understanding of UK immigration laws and we will ensure that you have the best chance of a successful visa application.
Read moreEmployment Law
Our work covers the full spectrum of contentious and non-contentious employment law, including Workplace Investigations. Wee work seamlessly with our business immigration teams. Our lawyers are particularly skilled in understanding and identifying the issues from the opposing side’s point of view, knowing where they stand and how they are thinking. This is a priceless asset for all of our instructing clients.
Read morePrivate Disputes
We offer legal advice and representation to members of the public and organisations across a range of private and property disputes. Contentious Probate – relates to the administration of a deceased person’s estate including contesting a will. Professional negligence involves Accountants, Barristers, Financial advisers, Insurance Brokers, Solicitors, Builders, Engineers, Architects, Surveyors, Tax consultants and many other professionals. Landlord & Tenant– We advise and represent in all manner of Landlord & Tenant disputes. Land and Neighbour disputes include Access to a neighbour’s land for repairs; shared amenities; Establishing the boundaries and ownership; Party walls; and Noise nuisance.
Read moreWill Drafting
At Frantz Gregory & Co, our Will Writing service is a vital part of our practice. We will provide straightforward advice no jargon. We are prompt and efficient and at a competitive price. My dad once said to me, why do you have a Will? You are too young to have one. Regrettably, he died without making a Will. Everyone should make a Will and without one, the Law decides who should inherit your property, which can be a shock to a bereaving family. It is important to seek legal advice to draft and execute your Will to avoid getting things wrong. If you already have a Will, it is important to review it when required. Some of the circumstances when you should consider updating your Will are: You are cohabiting with a new partner and wish to make provision for them. You jointly own a property and wish to choose who should have your share of the property after your death. You have a partner but are not married and wish to make provision for them. You have married since your Will was drafted. Unless you referred to your marriage plans in your current Will, your subsequent marriage will invalidate the Will. You have divorced since your Will was drafted. Unlike marriage, divorce does not invalidate your Will, but it cancels any mention in it of your former wife, husband, or civil partner. Therefore, any provision you have made for them will lapse. You have new children or grandchildren who are not included in your Will. Your estate has changed in value since your Will was drafted. You have fallen out with your beneficiaries or executors or they have died. You are now a single parent and wish to appoint a guardian for your children.
Read moreWorkplace Investigation
Workplace investigations should be independently and properly conducted to avoid a claim at an Employment Tribunal costing an employer thousands of pounds. Our team of specialist employment Solicitor and professionals provide a fully comprehensive independent workplace investigation covering all aspects of workplace disputes such as allegations of bullying, harassment, grievance, and disciplinary matter to ACAS standards. When we conduct investigations, we will draw independent conclusions and recommendations based on facts. We focus on giving you clarity so that you are able to make informed decisions on how to proceed. It is obvious that an independently conducted workplace investigation will reduce the likelihood of any claim succeeding in an Employment Tribunal. We offer and deliver this service directly with business owners.
Read moreOnline Verification at £70
D1 Form Check – Online Verification Service by a solicitor at a fixed fee of £70. We provide a fixed fees for ID1 & ID2 (verification of identity of an individual and a corporate body). Please note that our instructions only relate to completion of the ID1 & ID2 forms and verification of identity. We do not provide advice in relation to the transaction itself and will not witness the signing of any documents. The identity documents which may be used to identify a party are either one document from the following list: Current valid full passport Current UK, EU, Channel Islands or Isle of Man photocard driving licence (not provisional) Current Biometric Residence Permit issued by the UK Home Office to a non-UK national resident in the UK or alternatively two items from the following list: Cheque guarantee card (Mastercard, Visa, American Express or Diners Club) or debit card (Maestro or Delta) issued in the United Kingdom supported by an original postal statement less than 3 months old Postal utility bill less than 3 months old Council tax statement for the current year Council rent book showing the rent paid for the last 3 months Postal mortgage statement for the year just ended Current firearm or shotgun certificate You’ll also need a passport-sized photograph of yourself signed by the verifier.
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